Monday, February 24, 2025

F I N A L – F I N A L / LEVEL 12

July 27, 2011 by Haneefah Hameed-Boyd  
Filed under Integrations

Hi. . . Mark Hamilton

W O W ! What a way to end this Mark Hamilton Level 12 Master Apprentice Essence Meeting Series with more to come. . . and what a coincidence, I mean the way that you begann this meeting with our children leaving home to pursue their life dreams & goals . . . it hits home, for me too. . . ha, ha–Well, my only child just got married a few weeks-ago and it was beautiful.

All what you said about the years & stages of our human development and its meaning. . . It’s all sort of bittersweet. . .You know?. . . including the turning point of our A M A Z I N G
one-year journey of no return with you & the group, etc. . . Now, M E N T O R -S H I P with the best!

We all could see just how H A P P Y you were about this exciting accomplishment . . . Mark Hamilton, you are smiling ( and what a beautiful smile!)a lot — on video & you looked different, too . . . just like: Ryan & Steve are g l o w i- n g in the Overview Wrap-Up Session en-hancing Level 12 finale.

They reviewed some very, very key points and what needs to be done to actualize everything personally with DTC in developing the business mode, putting it to work — that we are blessed with the tools. . .All the tools have been given to us: CREATIVITY, FNE, MINI-DAY SCHEDULES/POWER-THINKING TEAM, TEN SECOND MIRACLES & SELF-LEADERSHIP SKILLS. . . to move forward. . .to the
C of U, working our Clubhouses & TVP with A C T I O N S & S T I M U L A T I O N S in the physical manifestation of N E O T H I N K.

I’m looking forward to hearing from your successful brother — Eric Savage !!! ( I remember him from your writings, etc.) and all he will share with us —
M E N T O R S !!! Thank YOU. . .

Active Neothink Member

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