Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level 12 Integrations

January 1, 2013 by Darlene Sartore  
Filed under Integrations

I waited until 1-1-2013 to post my Level 12 Apprentice Integration, because this session occurred in December and coincided with selection of Tier One Ideal Network Projects I will work front-line with in the coming year. Applying NT Prime Literature and Networking with NT/NT Projects continues into 2013 as a Tier One Live Values-Creating Ideal Network Project.

This status was earned primarily because of Active Mentors presenting practical application of NT Prime Literature in DAILY conferences, expanding user-friendly Internet domains, and public interactions.

My prime personal interests within NT/NT include:

(1) Prime Law, 12 Visions and depoliticizing initiatives.

(2) Business Alliance expansion.

(3) Presenting Miss Annabelle’s educare methodologies that integrate with Marie Montessori methodologies revolving around: Observing the child and providing their needs so the child can develop and apply their full potentials.

(4) Expanded focus on creating local clubhouses (which hopefully will be inclusive of all ages in the family, including Relationship Enhancing Educare, Single Meetups, and working with children in programs like 4-H, FFA, and Junior Achievement.

I envision many of these clubhouses integrating more with Ideal Network Projects, such as being more like fun Native American style camp-grounds wherein to develop survive and thrive skills. These will become live-onsite mini-communities wherein healthy-longevity home-gardens using aquaponic systems apply C of U dynamics.

These clubhouses can also stimulate, help develop, and integrate MANY private enterprises to replace gov-gang welfare/social services, with projects like those in Private Enterprise Supportive Housing and Entrepreneur Incubator initiatives.

These clubhouses can also enhance Personalized Education for all ages. As Self-leaders demand, we will have ever-more personalized and home-based education programs that use the computer, Internet, and webinars combined with interactive applications, especially in entrepreneurial projects.

All of these apply the Prime Literature in developing healthy private enterprises and partnershipping relationships…. Plus these easily integrate with and further principles and purposes for the Ideal Network.

Reading both tiers of NT/NT Prime Literature since the mid-1980s, investing the past 12 months in Apprentice Meetings with Mark, and Daily Teleconferences with various NeoThink Mentors, have been appreciated companions while creating ever-more values along the way in my FNE downstream course. The whole-life-empowerment that flows as result of working with other Self-Leaders provides values beyond what words can justly express.

Actions during 2012 greatly strengthened our wings making it possible to gracefully soar in 2013.

Cheers and Happy New Year from Darlene Sartore in southern Indiana

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One Response to “Level 12 Integrations”
  1. russ frickey says:

    to Darlene Sartore, you have unbelievable integrations in this segment and I for one am thoroughly impressed. I am certain you are very near the head of our 2012 class of like minds. i too have very strong integrations from years of intense neothinking however your succinct and detailed, meticulously precise and accurate formation of a puzzle yet to be created by you is a masterpiece of effort and focus worthy of my attention and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that we share a future path. pax 2013

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