Tuesday, February 25, 2025

level 12 not missing an opportunity

May 27, 2015 by karl hawkins  
Filed under Integrations

Neotthink Lesson 12 Final

As I have been searching for “God”, I beleave what I’ve experienced and, learned here with the S.O.S.is of the best examples of God and,God like powers. I hope that one opportunity after raising your childern is not the only one aforded to you to experience God. So, with this God like consciousness free of restrictions, consciously reaching for these God like powers, I am eager to learn Neothink beleaving I have iliminated the psychological end game. I see that I must learn , of wich I am, techniques like: The mini day schedual, Friday night essence, Power thinking to free my self of mysticism and, stagnation with Neothink. Spreading Neotech and, Neothink around the world will help to do this causing the A-C to be funnelled out of the C of U. With the A-C funneld out, the ruling class removed,restrictions will have been moved to allow the geniousness of society to establish biological immortality.Lastly, we must experience a shift from the bicameral mystic mind to the conscious mysticism free mind to experience Neothink wich is an emotionaly not intelectualy driven event. I am proud to be member of the C of U, founded and, aforded the experience to learn this knowledge. Thank you, Alah’s Blessings

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