Thursday, February 27, 2025

Moving Into a Neothink World

September 2, 2013 by Joseph Kaiser  
Filed under Integrations

All of my life, I have very often been thinking, we should have paradise on earth and society was set up against having paradise on earth. With Mark Hamilton’s literature as a basis, I know the world now has the capability to change into a Paradise World by implementing Neothink world concepts.

Down the road I see myself getting heavily involved in helping to create a beo-tech world vision. I see many ways the world can be changed for the betterment of mankind.

My current financial situation prevents me from deeply getting involved with the Secret Society in the short term but once my financial situation stabilizes, when I get my situation more in control I will get more involved.

Some of my future visions that I hope to be involved with are as follows.

1) Neothink centers will be created which replace many churches will stress value living, cover the mysterys of the world, provide socializing, handle marriages, handle counseling, and provide world learning and activity mind thinking centers and each one have as a centerpiece a planetarium or aquarium or science center.

2) I see the twelve vision party taking hold, I see government revamped as the primary focus as a protection center but still see a presidential figurehead at least for the short term, politics bottomsup instead of tops down. Recently I saw Neil Freeman’s Map, the states could be redrawn so all states have equal balance concerning matters to the prime law.

3) I see local government, no more elections, individuals involved in helping to run communities, they earned their positions from good evaluations from a business perspective.

4) I envision communities derived around a primary business, the business distributes all profits to all that live in the community, pay structures are set up as today with high level managers get higher pay than middle managers who get paid more than low level managers and get paid more than citizens not currently working.

5) All citizens can apply for jobs available in an open contract time frame, the citizens placed in open jobs get assigned jobs based on power points depends on evaluations, customer service, and training for that job taken. Jobs assigned in priority assignment.

6) I see the work week moved to 40 hours a week for public jobs, 24 hours of true work, 8 hours for teaching, 8 hours for learning. Some free time devoted to community time.

7) I envision a world the financial world will change, all communities will have their community bank, all citizens in the community will belong to that bank, all interest rates for all will be the same, all banking will be the same for all. No more foreclosures, no more homeless, most penalties will be eliminated, many changes to money flows, banking is the same to all, no more deductions, no more favoritism.

8) Taxes will be derived solely on a communities profit. The stores and services of a community will fall under a business umbrella.

9) Everyone will have an ID card and will have all individual information on them, this includes registrations, medical information, passports, memberships, etc. Only information that requires access will get access. No longer will paper work have to be filled out for appointments all is on that card. A picture and finger and eye print may be on that card.

10) All citizens will have a cloud that tracks education, job history, job training and will act as a resume for applying for jobs wanted.

11) Education will be changed to a Hamilton School Structure, schools will be equipped with magical whiteboards and students equipped with corresponding ipads that go along with a lesson. Much learning will incorporate whisper learning (whispered reading and highlighting together) two senses at once increases comprehension. I envision immersion booths, arcade like booths will be placed in students homes, students will travel to school maybe half as much. Arcade booths will feature multiple types of screens, spreadsheets, videos, broadcast of the teacher, writing screens, whisper reading and highlighting text, and highlight presentations, and word processing. The teachers will have a dashboard that shows all the students in the arcade booths.

12)Teachers need to master the three things important to teaching, know the material, how to present the material, and how to get along well with the students.

13) Romantic love is a focus of the community. Couples that don’t have a partner each year are encouraged to go to a resort. Couples are first matched together using Myers-Briggs concepts. Couples that end up in the same bucket spend two weeks meeting individuals of the opposite sex at lunch, dinner, and activities. After two weeks couples are matched based on power points, a rating system performed after meeting an individual. The concept is, couple’s with strong mutual attraction are matched together. Things like lifestyle such as night person, day person, attitudes on behavior, music interests, etc. are part of the matching formula. Matching soul mates together for a happy life is the purpose.

14) Gay matching and matching of gay couples will be encouraged, bringing gay guys and gay girls to share a household, children will have two sets of parents in these instances.

15) Handicapped and Senior Matching will also be encouraged so individuals will have happy companionship throughout life.

16) Homes will be created with everyday luxuries, all homes will be created with state of the art.

17) Transportation systems will be modernized, tubes will replace trucking, small medium and large tubes will cart food and merchandise from the farm and factory to a warehouse to a miniwarehouse area in a store and to a home. Trains will be converted to high tech and monorail. Buses will be converted into entertainment trolleys that travel from community center to community center. Cars will be converted to self driving push button cars.

18) Medical checkup centers will be set up in the home, checkups will be more commonplace using medical equipment, meals will sometimes include shakes or meals with special mixtures for the body.

19) Offices can be set up in the home, self driving vehicle, office space, resort hotel, or even a yacht or cruise line. All jobs in a community will have a job description and will be layed out in print and Youtube like video. Jobs will fall into a contract period, citizens will often move around to different jobs, keeping mind’s fresh and an environment constantly learning new jobs. Some jobs will be more geared to the young, middle class, and wisdom type jobs.

20) Utilities in the community will be designed for efficiency, different communities may be designed with different energy, cable, communication, water, and sewage, etc.

21) A hotel center, mall area, restaurants and activity center will be a part of every community. Every area of a community will have a bodega, vending area and clubhouse nearby.

22) New technologies will be encouraged, for example holographic television. A 3D holovision sports center from a stadium will be set up and seen in either a Neothink center or a sports bar. A person will watch an event like they are actually there.

23) A nNeothink internet system set up for an individual’s needs, a new alphabet and language should be set up, much time is wasted spelling things out. A quick short hand script needs to be developed so ordering things and sending messages can be fast using the internet. Turn touch fields of things you want off and on from websites. Order things quickly with a one stroke command or text message a family member or friend.

24) Transportation systems will be enhanced in the communities using people movers, programable vehicles, electric bikes, and conveyer tubes that will move a product or mail from a store into one’s home of clubhouse vending area. Conveyers systems’ will be smart using inventory control concepts.

25) Gone will be lawyers, judges, many bankers and authoritive figures. Those who find themselves in jail, will be treated with respect, will be situated more to a hotel room, equipped with television and desk space. Will be limited with minimal access to people and society. Will see family and friends using holographic visits.

I hope I can be of help to make a paradise world happen.

Joseph K. (Bob)

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